ERP Software | Shool Management Software - Asweerah IT Service

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Attendance Management

Attendance Management

This component enables accurate daily tracking of staff and student attendance across different departments, classes and sections. Administrators, teachers, and principals can review attendance records and analyze discrepancies. Asweerah's IT service system ensures device synchronization and allows attendance to be recorded on each device with daily server backups. Users can conveniently record their attendance via mobile devices and create personalized attendance reports. The Support Module optimizes data consolidation for easy management.

This module includes the features like :

Employee Attendance
Admins can use our interactive mobile app to create daily attendance for their employees, as well as view weekly, monthly, and yearly attendance. Admin can view each and every employee's / staff's attendance by week, month, or year through several Streams / Departments.
Student Attendance
Teachers can use our interactive mobile app to create daily attendance of their students and view weekly, monthly and yearly attendance of their students. This allows parents to track and monitor their children's attendance. Across multiple streams/departments, teachers can check each student's attendance by class, section, month or year.