ERP Software | Shool Management Software - Asweerah IT Service

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Transport Management

Transport Management

In schools, transportation management is essential. Admin has full control to add various transport vehicles and driver information like driver name, vehicle number, driving license number and phone number. You can assign and manage multiple routes to multiple drivers with the specified vehicle number. This session provides a detailed analysis of transportation allocation. It uses a variety of features to provide the user with the actual location of their vehicle at all times.The system can be adapted to the number of students and multiple schedules can be created to organize effective routes for student pickup and drop-off on time. Since we use the transport system in the real-time environment, more effective results are achieved.

This module includes the features like :

Vehicle details
A list of vehicles and their numbers are displayed, as well as the maximum seat allocation and insurance renewal date. Teachers and administrators can see the vehicle type assigned to students, as well as the vehicle number, contact person, and insurance renewal date. They can also view all details of the vehicle and contact the driver or the institute in an emergency.
Driver details
The system is very capable of managing various numbers and contact information of the driver. The School ERP Education Administration provides a separate form to fill in driver details, which includes details such as driver name, vehicle number, permanent address, date of birth, telephone number and driving license number.