ERP Software | Shool Management Software - Asweerah IT Service

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  • +91 9350271676

Bulk Email

Bulk Email in School Management System

One of the useful modules of our school management software is the SMS email system that connects parents to the school with a single click. All general information that needs to be shared with parents and staff can be sent via SMS/email and in the mobile application.

Schools can send bulk SMS and emails for fee reminders, student absence information, general information, holidays and student updates.

Schools need a platform to keep parents updated with all the necessary information about school events and student performance. Our school management bulk SMS email module software meets all the requirements and provides a perfect solution for all types of schools.

ERP school management software for schools enables quick, easy and hassle-free correspondence with tutors while saving you a lot of time and money. Substitute students can also receive their exhibition results and additional expense reports.

Our school management software allows customers to plan, design and modify reusable standard email and SMS layouts, saving time and eliminating the work of reworking messages.

Features of Bulk Email Management System

  • Customize message and email templates as per your need.
  • Get sms log report in one click
  • Easy and quick way to send messages to any user in the system
  • Information can be informed in advance about school events, news and holidays.
  • Parents can be informed about their children's attendance, exam date, school events, exam results & performance.
  • To inform parents about upcoming meetings and events.